Monday, October 5, 2009

Where have we been?

The pressure I feel to try and catch up after a long hiatus ends up paralyzing me and only prolonging my silence. I wait for a large block of time to open up in my schedule so I can write a big post and then inevitably something comes up and my blog gets put on the back burner. So then a month goes by and still no post.

So rather than wait any longer I'm going to post whatever I can get done before the kids wake up from this nap. I'm just going to dive in with no particular inspiration so when I sit down to write my next post I will consider myself caught up and I can get on to more interesting, inspired writing.

So, Jackson:
A second dislocated elbow, a big open cut on his chin, and a broken glass French door. That pretty much sums up his recent exploits. And all that happened last week. Is this going to be what life is like with Jackson? Are Aaron and I going to have to start a separate "Jackson emergency medical bills and replacement of broken objects" fund? I tried to convince Aaron that we should use money from Jackson's college fund to replace the glass door ($400!) but he wasn't buying it. Ever the pragmatist.

I am happy to report that, true to form, Jackson is far less upset about his personal injuries and his destruction than I am, which is good. No use crying over a little blood or broken glass, right?Lola is again fighting a cold, her second this months. About a month ago both babies, err... toddlers, fought off colds and ear infections and now Lola's cold is back. She had her ears checked today and they were both clear of fluid, YEAH! Although these colds don't tend to slow her down much, they do keep us pretty much house-bound and so let's all hope that she'll be snot free soon!


Anonymous said...

I know you get busy and the blog goes on the back burner but I just want you to know that your blog brings a smile to my face everytime I read it. No matter how much time goes in between entires they are always great. Thanks for sharing. I miss them so much and it makes me feel like I'm still there.

Anonymous said...

Another wonderful post. Pictures and great and the writing is, of course, delightful. I smile, too. love and miss you, Oma