Friday, April 15, 2011

May 4th

We have a birth date for Molly! If all continues to go well (as we expect it to) Molly Maitland Freedman will join us in the world outside the womb on Wednesday, May 4th around 8:30 am. I am soooooo excited about having a date set! It means that as I lay here staring at the walls I can be confident it really is only for a finite amount more time. 18 more days of laying around. That's it. 19 days from now I will be holding my beautiful baby girl in my arms, no longer in my belly.

It seems sort of unreal. I have dreamed and planned and worried and discussed and tried as best I can to prepare our family to welcome Molly as smoothly as possible. But even still, I really can't believe she's almost here!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to meet Molly. You are in my prayers. Love and miss you!!!!!

natalie said...

Very excited for you, Diane! So glad the bed rest isn't infinite and that you have an end in sight. :)